Khazra Nano Chelated Nitrogen Fertilizer

Khazra Nano Chelated Nitrogen Fertilizer

Khazra Nano Chelated Nitrogen fertilizer is manufactured based on advanced Chelated Compounds technology (owned by Sodour Ahrar Shargh Knowledge-based Company) and, like all products produced based on this technology, has a metabolism optimizer property. The only available molecular formula by which nitrogen can be absorbed from fertilizers is applying nitrogen in nitrate or ammoniac form, which leaching and accumulation of nitrate in products are among their limitations and serious problems. The nitrogen element in Khazra Nano Chelated Nitrogen fertilizer is in the form of chelate, and due to the advanced technology used in making this fertilizer, Khazra Nano Chelated Nitrogen fertilizer is free of nitrates and environmental pollutants. Due to its excellent absorption, the use of this fertilizer causes the absence of soil salinity and the production of healthy crops. Khazra Nano Chelated Nitrogen fertilizer is completely soluble in water and its absorption is better and more effective compared to the best nitrogen-containing fertilizers available in the market, and its leaching is less.


Contains 17% nitrogen


  • Without nitrate (contrary to all other available nitrogen fertilizers that contain nitrate whose excessive application in many strategic crops has caused nitrate accumulation at a crisis level)
  • Less leaching compared to available nitrogen fertilizers
  • Acceleration in absorption with great efficiency and increase in vegetative growth
  • Increase in leaf area
  • Increase flower and fruit formation
  • Increase in tillering in cereals


Foliar Spraying: 3 cc/L (3L per 1000L of water)

Soil Application: 10 to 25 L/ha


  • First stage: deep delving
  • Second stage: at the beginning of fruit formation
  • Third stage: fruit enlargement or fruit filling
  • Fourth stage: after fruit cultivation and before leaf drop (autumn foliar spraying)
  • Fifth stage: at the beginning of buds swelling


Wheat and barley: simultaneous with the first irrigation after cultivation, tillering, stem elongation, and spike formation

Corn: simultaneous with the first irrigation after cultivation, 6-8 leaves, before flowering

 Potato: simultaneous with the first irrigation after cultivation, at the beginning of tuberization

Other farm products: simultaneous with the first irrigation after cultivation, 6-8 leaves before flowering

Summer crops

Simultaneous with the first irrigation after cultivation, branching of stems, before flowering, after fruit formation, after the first picking


  • First stage: 1-4 weeks after harvest and simultaneous with irrigation
  • Second stage: repetition if necessary

Special Recommendation

This fertilizer is used in the form of basic fertilizers.

Mixing condition with other fertilizers and pesticides 

Mixing this fertilizer is not permitted in the solution with copper and calcium fertilizers as well as copper pesticides.