Khazra Nano Chelated Silicon Fertilizer

Khazra Nano Chelated Silicon Fertilizer

Khazra Nano Chelated Silicon fertilizer is manufactured based on advanced Chelated Compounds technology (owned by Sodour Ahrar Shargh Knowledge-based Company) and, like all products produced based on this technology, has a metabolism optimizer property. This fertilizer is completely soluble in water and because of the applied advanced technology in the structure of this fertilizer, it can be absorbed better and more efficiently than the best silicon fertilizers (chemical compounds such as potassium silicate as well as compounds mixed with amino acids) on the market. Khazra Nano Chelated Silicon fertilizer is a pest control fertilizer. In other words, besides its nutritious role, it increases plant resistance to disease (fungi, viruses and bacteria) and pests (nematodes, psylla, stem borers, etc.), which not only prevents yield reduction, but increases the yield. Applying this fertilizer increases plant resistance to environmental stress (heat, cold, salinity change, pH level, etc.). Khazra Nano Chelated Silicon fertilizer is stable and absorbable for plants in acidic to alkaline soils from pH 3 to 11.


 silicon 6%


  • Resistance increase to pests (pistachio psylla, nematode, stem borer, etc.) and environmental stress
  • Cell wall fortification
  • Yield and quality increase


Foliar Spraying: 2 cc/L (2L per 1000L of water)

Soil Application: 5 L/ha


  • Cluster appearance


  • Simultaneous with fruit formation

Mixing condition with other fertilizers and pesticides 

Mixing this fertilizer is not permitted in the solution with copper and calcium fertilizers as well as copper pesticides.