Chelated Mineral Supplement
New Generation of Companion Animals Feed Supplements

Bonzapet is a companion animal chelated mineral feed supplement for dogs and cats manufactured using Sodour Ahrar Shargh Knowledge-Based Company’s “advanced Chelate Compounds technology. ” Like all products manufactured using this technology, it has the feature of being a metabolism optimizer (balancing metabolism).


ppm in chelated form
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Bonzapet Chelated Mineral Feed Supplement

Growth improvement
Health & freshness improvement
Reduced need for medications & antibiotics
Prevention of the effects of mental & environmental stresses
Reduction in the incidence of metabolic, infectious, and digestive diseases

Depending on the physiological conditions and needs of the animal, breed, rearing conditions, season, time of consumption and its duration, environmental conditions, etc., the use of Bonzapet will result in at least one of the above results and the profitability of this product. 


Bonzapet supplement should be used as an on-top additive by mixing with feed/concentrate or dissolving in milk/water.


Bonzapet supplement should be used once a week for dogs or cats. The consumption dose per serving is according to body weight as follows: 

Under 5kg5-20kg20-40kgOver 40kg
0.25g (half a 0.5g sachet)0.5g (one 0.5g sachet)0.75g (one and a half 0.5g sachets)1g (two 0.5g sachets)

N.B.: Depending on the animal’s condition, based on the veterinarian’s opinion, the frequency of taking this supplement can be increased up to 2 times a week. 


Do not use other organic micronutrient supplements (such as amino acid, peptide, hydroxy analog, polysaccharide, or yeast-based chelates) along with Bonzapet supplement in diets.

Financial Justification

Due to its higher absorption rate and substantial efficacy, Bonzapet’s consumption dose is far less than that of other micronutrient-containing supplements on the market. As explained in the “instructions” section, only 0.5 g of this supplement is consumed weekly for every 15 kg of body weight. For instance, a 50-gram package of Bonzapet supplement is sufficient for a 15-kilogram pet for about 2 years. This, along with the effects of Bonzapet, has made it a cost-effective supplement.