Khazra Nano Chelated Fruit Set Fertilizer

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Khazra Nano Chelated Fruit Set Fertilizer

Khazra Nano Chelated Fruit Set fertilizer is manufactured based on advanced Chelated Compounds technology (owned by Sodour Ahrar Shargh Knowledge-based Company) and, like all products produced based on this technology, has a metabolism optimizer property. Generally, consuming supplementary fertilizers containing macro and micronutrients will be so helpful at several physiological growth stages of plants. At present, there are different types of such fertilizers on the market, all of which are mostly a mixture of various types of amino acids, sulfates and oxides of macro and micronutrients. It is already known that the needed elements in the form of oxide chemical compounds and sulfates have lower absorption rate, which is why different types of amino acids are added to some of them to improve their efficiency, yet the absorption and effects limitations of these elements are still present in these forms of fertilizers. With a balanced combination of 4 important elements in the process of fruit formation in the form of chelate, Khazra Nano Chelated Fruit Set Fertilizer has a much more effective absorption compared to the best brands in the market. This fertilizer is completely soluble in water, is stable in acidic to alkaline soils from pH 3 to 11, and can be absorbed by the plant.


zinc 6%

boron 3%

 nitrogen 7%

potassium 10%


  • Preventing flower drop
  • Flower buds increased resistance to winter & spring cold
  • Strengthening flower reproductive organs
  • Maximizing flower to fruit transformation


Foliar Spraying: 2 g/L (2kg per 1000L of water)

Soil Application: 2 to 4 kg/ha


  • At buds swelling, at fruit formation & enlargement and after harvest

Mixing condition with other fertilizers and pesticides

Mixing this fertilizer is not permitted in the solution with copper and calcium fertilizers as well as copper pesticides.